Luxe by ALG Vacations is a curated collection of approximately 450 luxury accommodations around the world designed to simplify the selection process for travel advisors looking for true luxury accommodations for their clients. This meticulously curated program goes beyond the generic “luxury” label by adhering to strict standards and offering unique amenities.
To qualify for Luxe, properties must typically hold AAA Five Diamond status or be a member of Leading Hotels of the World. Awarded to less than 0.5% of applicants, the AAA Five Diamond designation requires exceptional physical characteristics, personalized service and enhanced amenities. Members of Leading Hotels of the World are often independent properties offering unique experiences in exceptional settings.
The Luxe collection encompasses destinations around the world, including exotic locations such as the Caribbean, Mexico, Hawaii, Europe, Thailand, Egypt and China. Featuring renowned brands such as Four Seasons, we ensure a consistently high standard of luxury around the world.
What sets Luxe apart are the special amenities provided to guests, such as room upgrades, resort credits, spa discounts, complimentary wine, etc. These added perks create a luxurious experience that goes beyond the already exceptional standards of the hotel itself.
For travel advisors, Luxe simplifies the process of identifying and booking truly luxurious accommodations. By handpicking accommodations that have already been vetted by industry associations, Luxe saves time and ensures that guests receive an exceptional experience that goes beyond the usual definition of luxury.
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